
ATP Regeneration Systems

Many enzymatic reactions require ATP as a co-substrate, and the availability of ATP can be a limiting factor in biocatalytic processes. To overcome this challenge, ATP regeneration systems have been developed, enabling sustainable and cost-effective biocatalytic synthesis. ATP regeneration systems involve coupling the desired biocatalytic reaction with an ATP-generating enzyme. These ATP-generating enzymes are carefully selected and optimized to work in tandem with the target biocatalyst, allowing for efficient and continuous ATP recycling during the biocatalytic process.

Advantages of ATP regeneration:

  • Ensuring constant adequate ATP levels throughout the process generally improves yield and reaction velocity of an enzymatic reaction.
  • ATP regeneration may be used to reduce starting ATP levels to overcome inhibitory effects in single or coupled reactions.
  • By utilizing renewable and inexpensive substrates for ATP generation, ATP regeneration systems can reduce the reliance on costly and resource-intensive sources of ATP.

ATP regeneration by:

  • Acetate kinase using acetyl phosphate as phosphate donor
  • Creatine kinase using creatine phosphate as phosphate donor
  • Pyruvate kinase using phosphoenolpyruvate as phosphate donor
  • Polyphosphate kinase using polyphosphate as phosphate donor

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