

Our latest review provides an overview of various enzymatic pathways for nucleotide (nucleoside 5'-phosphate) synthesis found in nature and in vitro cascades.

Now out in Catalysts!

>>> Have a read here:

The International DFG/DZIF Joint Meeting on Viral Infections of the Liver and the Heart took place at the TU Berlin on Jan 17-18.
Successes in the treatment of hepatitis virus infections and current challenges: The 2-day symposium highlighted the significant progress made in recent years. Part of the success story: nucleoside analogs - for example, the successful applications of tenofovir and entecavir for the treatment of HBV infections.
Another focus was on existing challenges in the treatment of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections. Clinical observations and new therapeutic approaches were intensively discussed.

Matthias Ziersch from the TU Berlin chair for Applied Biochemistry presented the recently published results and our joint collaboration to develop new nucleoside analogs for the treatment of HEV infections.

>>> Have a read here:


Protein production experts from around the world met in Berlin for the 1st Berlin-BioTECH Symposium "Difficult to Express Proteins" from Dec 10-11. Fantastic talks - e.g. by BioNukleo's CEO Dr. Anke Kurreck - inspired many fruitful discussions. What a great way to end the year with lots of new insights and ideas!

We thank the organizers from BioProScale e.V. in cooperation with Bioprocess Engineering-TU Berlin and Bio-PAT e.V..

We greatly enjoyed his year's TIDES Europe in Hamburg from Nov 12-14: following three days of interesting presentations, exhibitions plus many discussions with old and new contacts we left Hamburg with so many exciting plans for 2025!

We were particularly pleased about the great interest in our poster on BioNukleo's enzymatic nucleoside and nucleotide syntheses, which was presented by Dr. Maryke Fehlau.


In the search for new antiviral strategies, we left the familiar paths of small molecules and were part of a new siRNA approach for the treatment of Hep-E virus infections. Now published in Viruses!

>>> Have a read here:

We attended the XXV. International Roundtable on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (IRT2024) in Tokyo from September 3 to 6 and were really impressed and inspired by top-class research talks and creative poster presentations - not to mention all the culinary and cultural delights!

To top it all off, Maryke Fehlau's presentation on BioNukleo's research was rewarded with a poster prize!

We are very grateful to the organizers of IRT3NA and JSNAC for this very successful and memorable conference.



We just launched our new service: custom products!

The 11th International Congress on Biocatalysis (Biocat) on August 25-29 was a great success. Around 400 national and international guests came together for this biennial event in Hamburg and used the week for intensive discussions on the evergrowing number and varitey of biocatalysts and their applications.

Our colleague Jonas Motter proudly enlightened the audience with his talk on optimized ribose-1-phosphate synthesis via nucleoside phosphorylases and guanine deaminase!

>>> Have a read here (preprint): 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-9h3q9.

Our collaborative research on 4'-thionucleosides (chemoenzymatic synthesis, diversification and application) has just been published in Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.!

>>> Have a read here:


Our latest research revealing the nucleoside phosphorylase catalyzed formation of N7-xanthosine next to the canonical N9-version has been published in Nature Communications!

>>> Have a read here:


Valuable insights on bioprocess scale-up and scale-down, performance optimization, process analytical tools and much more could be gained during this years BioProScale Symposium in Berlin form April 9-11!

We were especially amazed by a presented method for online monitoring of protein refolding during inclusion body processing!

Thanks to the organizers from TU Berlin (Chair of Bioprocess Engineering), BioProScale e.V. and Bio-PAT e.V.

At this year's BioBilanz on January 23 in Berlin, we learned that although the reputation of biotechnology has improved, the public is increasingly skeptical about science in general - probably an after-effect of the Corona pandemic.

Interesting food for thought: Can the absence of diabetes, high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases in hunter-gatherer populations be attributed to their extremely diverse microbiome?

Thanks to the organizers from bbb biotechnologieverbund berlin-brandenburg e.V. and the Cluster Gesundheitswirtschaft.


Nucleoside analogs are not only useful as DNA/RNA building blocks and anti-cancer or anti-viral agents - some also show antimicrobial activities! Our collaborative highlight review has just been published in Natural Product Reports.
>>> Have a read here:



We thank Berlin Partner for organizing the networking event "Treffpunkt Wirkstoffentwicklung" | Innovative Lösungen für die Pharmaindustrie" on November 13 in Berlin, where Sarah Westarp gave a talk about BioNukleos approach to the quick and (cost-)efficient development of biotechnological processes, products and special enzymes.


Julia Schollmeyer presented BioNukleo at a stand at the World Smart Bioprocessing Summit on Sep 27-29 in Berlin. Participants also had the chance to join a lab tour at the chair of bioprocess engineering at TU Berlins department of Biotechnology.


The great BioTrans took place on June 25-29 in La Rochelle, France. Although nucleoside and nucleotide analogs and their enzymatic synthesis remained a niche topic, we enjoyed the inspiring conversations during the extensive poster sessions and the huge number of fascinating talks.

BioNukleos co-founder Maryke Fehlau presented her phd research on "Enzymatic synthesis of nucleotise 5'-triphosphates" synthesis during the Nordic Irish Process Chemistry Forum in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on June 6-8. The event and conference dinner were excellently organized by Almac, and we enjoyed meeting old a new friends!

Jonas Motter (Master student at BioNukleo) and Mathias Ziersch (Phd student at TU Berlin, Department of Biotechnology, Chair of Applied Biochemistry) took second place in the Speed Lecture competition during the annual Bionnale in Berlin! Within just 3 min, they impressively presented their interdisciplinary research topic "Let's Mett it safe: New antivirals against hepatitis E"

During the Global Bioprocessing Summit in Berlin on May 10-12 Maryke Fehlau and Julia Schollmeyer presented BioNukleo as a spin-off of the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering (Department of Biotechnology, TU Berlin).

"Where Scientist, Pharma Pioneers, and Biotech Innovators Converge to Ignite Bioprocessing Breakthroughs!"


We were excited to hear about the latest research from all hot topics in chemical biology at the "Advances in Chemical Biology" held on January 24-25, 2023, in Frankfurt, Germany. Naturally most interested in the chemical biology of nucleic acids and proteins, we were looking forward to hear about peptides and carbohydrates as well.

From crisis to crisis and no end in sight? The BioBilanz from the biotechnologieverbund berlin-brandenburg on January 24, 2023, in Berlin, Germany tried to shed some light on how life sciences can help to overcome the current troubles in climate, energy and food. We enjoyed meeting the network in person again.


The International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, held on Aug 28 - Sep 01, 2022, in Stockholm, Sweden, was a great success. Prof. Peter Neubauer presented enzymatic routes for the cascade synthesis of natural and modified nucleosides in Session 9. In addition, there were many stimulating discussions with curious chemists at our poster on the enzymatic synthesis of nucleotide analogs.

This year’s Summer School Biotransformations organized by the DECHEMA was held from 15th to 18th August in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, in the black forest. 23 senior scientists from industry and research institutes shared their insights and newest scientific advances with 53 doctoral students from all over Germany. Two of our doctoral students attended to present the latest research achieved with BioNukleo’s enzymes and know-how, and to learn about state-of-the-art strategies and methods currently applied in the biotech scene. Thank you, DECHEMA, for the organization of this fantastic event for junior scientists and until next time.

The HPLC specialist company KNAUER turned 60 this year and really made an event out of it. As long-standing customer and user of KNAUER HPLC systems, BioNukleo was invited for the celebrations. Two colleagues of us gladly accepted the invitation. Thank you, KNAUER, and all the best for the coming years!

We were attending the open-air event "Innovationstag Mittelstand des BMWK" of the AiF Projekt GmbH on June 23, 2022, in Berlin, Germany to get an overview of new trends and current funding programs. In light of the current cumulative challenges it was interesting to see what directions can be taken to continue to work competitively. The diversity of topics was great and many interesting ideas and projects in the field of climate neutrality, energy transition and digitalization were presented. Until next time!

BioNukleo was happy to see new trends in the fields of "small molecule analysis" and "protein purification" at the analytica on June 21 - 24 , 2022, in Munich, Germany. It was exciting to see the new developments in the fields of digitalization and laboratory automation and that the use of laboratory management software is becoming more and more important. See you again in two years!

BioNukleo joined the BIONNALE on May 11, 2022, in Berlin, Germany - the biggest networking event for life sciences and healthcare industries in the German capital region. It was a great opportunity to get updated on the latest local research and to get the chance to network with attendees from different companies and research institutions from the region and beyond.

It was a great pleasure to see the BioProScale Symposium hosted as in-person event again. The big networking event in the field of bioprocess development, scale-up and -down, process analytical technologies, circular economy and high-throughput bioprocessing and automation took place on March 28 - 31, 2022, in Berlin, Germany. As our roots originate from one of the hosts - the chair of bioprocess development of the TU Berlin - we were more than happy to get updates and refresh connections with the field. We hope to be able to join again in two years!



We are proud to announce a new joint project that aims at developing a new therapy for hepatitis E. Together with our partners at the Technische Universität Berlin (Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Applied Biochemistry, led by Prof. Dr. Jens Kurreck) we are uniting our strengths in chemo-enzymatic nucleoside synthesis with 3D-organ printing and RNAi to find novel treatment options against hepatitis E virus infections. The cooperative R&D project is funded by ZIM - Germany's largest innovation program for small and medium-sized enterprises. Stay tuned!

BioNukleo is setting up a collaboration with the German company abcr GmbH. With the current agreement, abcr GmbH will expand their existing portfolio of biocatalysts and take over the sales process of our catalog products. BioNukleo and our customers will benefit from abcr GmbH’s established global sales structure and more than 30 years of experience on specialty chemicals and catalog business. 

BioNukleo will join the 10th International Congress on Biocatalysis on August 30 - September 3, 2020, in Hamburg, Germany. Hopefully we will also be able to present our work in a short talk.

BioNukleo will be present at the 6th International Conference on Biocatalysis in Non-Conventional Media on May 7 - 9, 2020, in Milan, Italy. Be sure to check out our poster!

The 6th BioProScale Symposium “Innovative scale-up and scale-down for bioprocess intensification” will take place from March 30 - April 1, 2020, in Berlin, Germany. The event is hosted by our close collaborators the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering at the TU Berlin. You can also meet us there!


BioNukleo will join the 5th multistep enzyme catalyzed processes conference on March 30 - April 2, 2020, in Aachen, Germany. The conference promises to bring together biologists, chemists and engineers from academia and industry to share their knowledge and break new ground in the multi-step enzyme catalysis.


BioNukleo will present a pitch at the 4th European Chemistry Partnering on February 27, 2020, in Frankfurt, Germany. Join the audience at 3:48 pm in room Solar or meet up with us on site!


BioNukleo will join the Protein Engineering Congress on November 12 - 13, 2019, in Frankfurt, Germany.

BioNukleo will visit the world's largest pharmaceutical exhibition CPhI Worldwide on November 5 - 7, 2019, in Frankfurt, Germany. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

BioNukleo will be featured in the 21st Guide to German Biotech Companies 2020 issued by Biocom. For now 21 years this guide has served as international calling card of the young German biotech industry - and this year we are a part of it. The finished book will be expected in November this year. Stay tuned!

BioNukleo will join the Green China 2019 1st International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference on October 17 - 19, 2019, in Beijing, China. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

BioNukleo will visit the 14th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations (BioTrans 2019) on July 7 - 11, 2019, in Groningen, The Netherlands.

BioNukleo will visit the Chemspec europe - the 34th International Exhibition for Fine and Speciality Chemicals on June 26 - 27, 2019, in Basel, Switzerland. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

BioNukleo will present at the BIONNALE on May 7, 2019, in Berlin, Germany. See us at the cooperation track!

BioNukleo joined the "Pack a big Wallop" symposium on latest developments in the field of small molecules. The event was hosted by the MDC on April 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.


BioNukleo joined the 4 day EMBO workshop on enzymes, biocatalysis and chemical biology on September 9 - 12, 2018, in Pavia, Italy.

BioNukleo was at the 14th Nucleic Acids Forum on July 6, 2018, in London, United KingdomThe forum was a great opportunity to meet new collaboration partners. Thanks to the Royal Society of Chemistry for the excellent organisation of this interesting day.

BioNukleo was at the Cross-Innovation-Workshop: "Laborautomation und Bioanalytik" on June 28, 2018, in Berlin, Germany.


BioNukleo presented at the BIONNALE on June 20, 2018, in Berlin, Germany - the largest networking event for life sciences in the German capital region. It was a great opportunity to meet new and old collaboration partners and get updated on current local research. Thank you Berlin Partner for the excellent program and the organization of 1 on 1 meetings!

BioNukleo joined the 8th "Innovationskongress Chemie und Biotechnologie" on May 30, 2018, in Magdeburg, Germany. Members of industry and academic research presented and discussed about material cylces, optimized synthesis and innovations in modern chemistry and biotechnology.

BioNukleo was at the German Biotech Days that took place on April 18 and 19, 2018, in Berlin, GermanyAmong the highlights were the lively discussion between biotech company representative Dr. Mariola Söhngen (Mologen AG) and several members of the German Bundestag, as well as minister Peter Altmaier emphasizing the importance of biotechnology for the German economy. 

BioNukleo joined the German Research Summit on April 17, 2018, in Berlin, Germany. The aim of the Research Summit 2018 was to come together and formulate answers to some of the most pressing questions in German research- and innovation policy.

BioNukleo's CEO Katharina Paulick contributed to the podium discussion Businesswomen! ("Unternehmerinnen!") on January 18, 2018, in Berlin, Germany. Organized by the Alphazirkel GmbH, female entrepreneurs discussed about how females think and act in business.

BioNukleo presented its enzymatic technology for the production of modified nucleosides and nucleotides at the 17th annual PepTalk Protein Science Week on January 8 - 12, 2018, in San Diego, USA.


BioNukleo was presenting at MedChem 2017 with the topic „The Many Pharmacotherapeutic Faces of Nucleosides and Oligonucleotides” in Leuven on December 1st 2017

The objective of the one-day symposium was to show recent developments for the applications of nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids in medicinal chemistry. Applications are still found in the fields of antivirals, anticancer compounds or antisense oligonucleotides. But also new therapeutic applications are found like in immune-oncology, which opens many new possibilities. Prof. Jens Kurreck, Coach of the BioNukleo  Team, presented BioNukleo's sustainable technology which can be used for the production of nucleosides and nucleotides.

BioNukleo presented at MDC-Berlin


Katharina Paulick, one of BioNukleo's CEOs, gave a talk at the `Career Day' of the Max Delbrück Centre for molecular medicine in Berlin. Encouraging PhD students to get entrepreneurs, she talked about first steps founding a startup and about financing possibilities. Also her own career as a scientist and entrepreneur was in focus. Subsequent, she made contact to the 3Is Pharma Innovation Initiative and will show them how BioNukleo was founded, funded and growing. As BioNukleo got and gets much advice from coaches and other companies, it is important to keep young students informed about the startup scene in Germany.

BioNukleo is part of the Network for Pharma Solutions -NetPhaSol

We proudly announce the start of „Network for Pharma Solutions – NetPhaSol“. This cooperation network for drug development serves as a platform for research, development and marketing of new products, processes and services. The primary focus are the first value chain stages of a drug development cycle - however, further development stages are not excluded. BioNukleo is now broadening NetPhaSol´s profile with its expertise in Drug development. The initiative will present its portfolio at the drug development meeting „Treffpunkt Wirkstoffentwicklung“ on 16th October in Berlin


Source: Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH


BioNukleo was at "1st Symposium on Nucleic Acid Modifications" in Mainz 4- 6 September 2017

Most of the symposium was dedicated to plenary lectures from invited speakers as well as short talks. There also were poster sessions where selected participants could present their research. The schedule also included social activities, such as a welcome reception/dinner, lunch and coffee breaks as well as a guided city tour.


 Inspiring talks and a great platform to meet and find collaboration partners.


BioNukleo at German Biotechnology days 2017 in Hannover





 CEO Katharina presented BioNukleo in the Start-up session.

Label "Innovative through research"




From the german "Stifterverband", BioNukleo gets the label "Innovative through research" due to it's high expenses in biocatalytic research.

BioNukleo was at BioTechnika

Together with Labvolution, the Biotechnika was in May 16-18 in Hannover, Germany. The specialist trade fair for innovative lab equipment and laboratory workflow optimization "LABVOLUTION with Life Science Event BIOTECHNICA" has a new thematic focus. BioNukleo made contact to customers, distributers and had a close look at the new smart lab- showing the future of molecular biology. In fact, BioNukleo has also access to the lab of the future from the TU Berlin, with different robots facilitation scientist´s work.